
Monday, October 30, 2017

Moon Set

I haven't haad any luck photographing the moon at night, so I decided to try my luck with photography this almost full moon as it was setting over Arches National Park in Utah. Using my long (400mm) lens, I was able to get a pretty good image and some detail of the lunar surface.

Unfortunately, it was too high in the sky to be able to capture the moon over some of the red rock formations. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Red Rock Country

I recently spent a few days in Utah visiting Arches and Canyonlands national parks, both of which are home to some amazing rock formations. This photo was taken on the first day of the trip, in Arches National Park, on a cool, cloudy and rainy morning. The rocks, gravel, dead tree and path lead the eye to the big formation in the middle of the image.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Pretty in Orange

This Cuban girl was dressed in her finest dress for her photo session on the steps of an old Havana church as part of her quinceanera, a celebration to mark her 15th birthday. The 15th birthday is believed to mark the transition from childhood to young womanhood. The custom, which originated in Latin America, also is widely celebrated in the United States. This young lady had struggled to walk across the plaza's cobblestones in high heeled shoes before changing into her color-coordinated sneakers.

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Blue Man

I spotted what I at first thought was a blue statue sitting on a bench in downtown Cienfuegos, Cuba. I wass part of a photography trip to Cuba, and that afternoon's assignment was to find interesting things to photograph.

As I headed back up the street past this statue again, I noticed a flicker in the eyes that told me this was no statue, but a real man sitting perfectly still. I signaled that I would like to photograph him, he gave a very slight nod, and I deposited one Cuban peso in a boot sitting next to him, along with a fishing pole.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Sleeping Elk

This cow elk was sound asleep near the visitor center in Yellowstone National Park's Mammoth Hot Springs area. The presence of cars  and people taking her picture didn't bother her at all. She obviously felt very safe among people, where no wolves and bears were likely to go.