
Monday, April 30, 2018

On the Serengeti Plains

My eye was drawn to this scene on the Serengeti of Tanzania by the colors and textures. A big storm was on the way, as evidenced by the dark, moody clouds. But the sun was still bright enough to cast shadows and light up the grass, revealing its colors and textures.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Inside the Crater

A zebra walks through the lush grass inside Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater. Unlike zebra and wildebeests outside the crate, animals inside the crate do not take part in the annual migration.

The crater is the world's largest inactive, intact and unfilled volcanic caldera. The crater was formed when a volcano erupted and collapsed 2 to 3 million years ago. It is 2,000 feet deep. The crater floor is mostly open grasslands, and is home to a variety of animals, including Cape buffalo, elephants, zebras, lions and other animals except for giraffes.

Monday, April 16, 2018

A Red, White and Green Scene

Yellowstone National Park is more than just geysers and bison. It also is home to many colorful, and beautiful, landscapes. Red willow (a favorite hangout of moose), green trees and snow-capped mountains created this amazing scene.

Monday, April 9, 2018

A Pile of Pine Cones

Colorful, textured pinecones in a pile make for an visually interesting image.

Monday, April 2, 2018

The View From Hellroaring

This lovely scene was captured at a place in Yellowstone National Park known as Hellroaring. I have watched wolves and grizzly bears through a spotting scope from this high overlook. On the morning this picture was taken, there were no animals in sight, but my guide and I were treated to this colorful sunrise, along with some ground fog in the valley.