
Monday, March 27, 2017

Moving Forward

This week's image is of a school boy passing a mural in the Fusterlandia area west of Havana. The mosaic mural, one of many found in Fusterlandia, shows the boat on which Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and other leaders of the 1959 revolution came ashore in Cuba.

Cuban artist Jose Fuster began decorating his humble house in a run-down area of Havana with brightly colored mosaic tiles in simple, almost childlike designs in 1975. He asked neighbors if he could also decorate their homes and businesses. As he continued to add mosaics to the neighborhood, the once economically depressed area began to attract tourists. Today, his colorful creations cover an entire neighborhood and are a popular tourist attraction.

Monday, March 20, 2017

On the Road Again

This coyote was spotted trotting down a plowed road in Yellowstone National Park last winter. Coyotes, bison and other wildlife frequently walk down plowed roads rather than expending valuable energy forcing their way through deep snow. Bison in particular struggle to find enough food beneath deep snow. Some 10 percent of Yellowstone bison reportedly do not survive each winter.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Valley of Monuments

Monument Valley is part of the Colorado Plateau and includes areas in both Utah and Arizona in the American Southwest. 

At an elevation of 5,000 feet to 6,000 feet, the valley is marked by the presence of many red buttes that get their color from the presence of iron oxide. 

Monument Valley is owned by the Navajo Nation as part of Navajo Tribal Park. It has served as a backdrop for numerous movies, particularly Westerns.This is a place I had wanted to visit for several years, so last year I decided to spend my birthday there.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Retro Chevy

 The first entry in this new photo blog is of a beautifully restored Chevrolet.

Cuba is awash with classic American cars from the late 1940s and the 1950s. This bright blue Chevrolet was spotted near a busy business district in Trinidad. Many of the cars have been carefully restored, with shiny paint, new upholstery and gleaming chrome. Many like this one have yellow 'taxi' signs in the front window, indicating they are available for hire for $10-$20/ride. Notice the cobblestone street and the colorful houses.

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A New Photo Blog

As readers of my longstanding blog ( already know, I love photography.

Although I sometimes feature photographs from some of my travels, my blog is primarily a written one in which I share my experiences and thoughts about a wide variety of topics. With the creation of this blog, I plan to feature a different photo every week. There will be photographs of wild animals from the US and Africa, as well as landscapes, sunrises and travel photos from places as diverse as Cuba, Ireland and Tanzania. Each photo also will include a little bit of the story behind the image. My goal is to post a new image every Monday morning.

If you're interested in photography or travel, I hope you will join my e-mail list so you will be notified of each weekly addition to the blog. And of course, I'd love to have you join the list for my other blog as well. You can find some of my best images at

Please bear with me as I refine and continue to develop this page.

I appreciate any shares and comments from my readers/viewers. Photography has brought me so much enjoyment and captured wonderful memories of my travels, so I invite you to join me on this journey.