
Monday, April 10, 2017

Visit to an Ancient Capital

This panoramic shot of the Kremlin and the Moscow River was taken during a visit to Russia in the summer of 2012. Moscow dates back to 1147, making it a very old city indeed. 

I promised to take my daughter, who was born in Russia and lived in that country for the first 11 years of her life, back to her homeland when she graduated from high school. We started our trip in Moscow, where I had lived for 3-1/2 months in 1999, and then we journeyed to Tyumen' in western Siberia. We got to visit the nearby village of Berkut, where she had lived in an orphanage and we met with the orphanage director and a few of the caregivers, who treated us to a typical Russian lunch. Then we flew to St. Petersburg for a few days.

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