
Monday, June 19, 2017

A Handful of Books

While in Paris recently, I wandered through a used book sale in the Latin Quarter of the city. Something about this man holding a handful of paperback books caught my eye. I enjoyed seeing so many book lovers browsing row after row of books of all sizes and subjects.

The Latin Quarter was so named because the university students who lived there during the Middle Ages spoke Latin. It is on the Left Bank of the river Seine, near the Sorbonne university. The area is home to several institutions of higher learning and book stores, as well as the usual outdoor cafes, markets, etc. It still retains much of its old bohemian nature.

This image spoke to me as a lifelong avid reader. As a young child, I much preferred to sit and read rather than going outside to play with friends. Even today, I often can be found reading one of the 30 or so books stored on my Kindle e-reader.

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