
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

One-of-a-Kind Wall Calendars Now Available

It's not too early to start thinking about 2019 wall calendars.

I am offering custom-made, 8-1/2x17 inch, full-color wall calendars for just $24, US shipping included. Each month, and the cover, features a full-page, full-color photograph I have taken during my travels in the US and overseas.
I will design a unique calendar with your choice of subject:

African wildlife
big cats (lions, leopards, cheetahs in any combination)

US wildlife 
birds of Costa Rica and/or Africa
water scenes
bears (grizzly and polar)
or any combination of the above 

You can see many of my images at Each calendar will be delivered to you or a recipient you designate in 1 to 2 weeks. Proceeds are donated to the Elephant Crisis Fund, which helps protect African elephants through education and anti-poaching efforts.

Please e-mail me at with questions. I look forward to hearing from you!

Monday, July 30, 2018

A Stroll on the Beach

This cute grizzly bear cub was walking along the shore of Lake Clark, in Alaska. Mom and a sibling were nearby. 

Many of the grizzlies in the Silver Salmon Creek area of Lake Clark National Park are acclimated to the presence of humans, allowing visitors to observe them at a closer range than is usually possible. Some of the mother bears were raised in the area and have grown up around humans. Of course, keeping a respectful distance and carefully observing the bears' behavior are still vitally important. My group felt a bit nervous when a curious cub approached within a few feet, but mom bear simply watched until her cub rejoined her. The cubs were born in 2017.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Helping Birds of Prey

This handsome bird is a golden eagle, a resident of the Teton Raptor Center near Jackson, WY. The center rehabilitates injured or ill raptors (birds of prey) such as eagles, hawks, falcons and owls. It also conducts an education program to help people learn about these birds and the critical role they play in a healthy environment.

Monday, July 16, 2018

The Horned Puffin

The horned puffin is a small seabird that feeds by diving for fish, squid and crustaceans. The birds are about 8 inches (20 cm) tall, weigh about 18 ounces (500 grams) and have a wingspan of just under 2 feet (58 cm). 

Males and females look the same. Nests are created on rocky cliffs along the coasts of Alaska, Siberia and British Columbia.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Time to Eat

This elephant was photographed in Tanzania while chowing down on some tasty grass. Elephants can eat between 200 and 600 pounds of vegetation every day. They drink an average of 50 gallons of water each day, about the same amount as a typical bathtub holds. The elephant digestive system isn't very efficient, so only about 40 percent of the food they consume is actually digested. Elephants are herbivores. They will eat grasses, fruits, vegetables, small plants, bushes, twigs and tree bark.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Grizzly Encounter

This impressive grizzly, or brown, bear was photographed in Alaska's Lake Clark National Park. Many of the bears in the park are habituated to humans, which allows closer access than is possible -- or recommended -- with other grizzly populations. Maintaining a respectful distance, observing the bears' level of comfort with humans, and approaching quietly and in a group allowed my group to get to within 50 feet of the bears. Even some mother bears with cubs were comfortable with us. We were accompanied by an experienced bear guide as well as a professional photographer who has studied bears and bear behavior for many years. This isn't something to be tried without expert guidance.